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Stories and legends

The turquoise stone did not always have this name. The Persians called him “Firuze” or “Ferozah” which translates to victorious. In Europe, this mineral was named “Calläis”, translating “beautiful stone”. Then, during the 16th century, the French gave it the name Turkish stone, then turquoise.

Turquoise stone is composed of hydrated copper and aluminum phosphate. It therefore belongs to the mineral group of phosphates. It has a color varying from deep blue to bright blue-green.

In fact, it is its copper and iron content that colors this fabulous stone. The higher the percentage of copper, the more intense the blue color will be. Chromium modulates shades of green and iron provides a yellow to brown color.

The iron and copper content of the stone depends on the nature of the terrain. Depending on the color of the mineral, it is possible to determine its origin and where the stone was located. It is mainly located in dry and arid places, such as the deserts in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey or the United States.

This stone has been known since the dawn of time. Its origins date back more than 6,000 years to the time of ancient Egypt. When the tomb of Queen Zar, queen of the first Egyptian dynasty, was opened, archaeologists discovered that she wore a bracelet decorated with turquoise. Even Tutankhamun's mask was decorated with turquoise.

As for the Persians, they used this mineral as currency to barter and obtain valuable objects. They also believed that turquoise protected them against the evil eye and harmful influences.

On the American continent, a large number of civilizations inlaid turquoise into the making of masks, notably among the Aztecs. Furthermore, they attributed such powerful power to this stone that their God of fire was nicknamed “Master of Turquoise”.

The Apaches dedicated this stone to the Goddess of change. Hunters attached a turquoise to their arrow so as not to miss their target. The Navajo Indians used this mineral for its healing properties. They also made beautiful jewelry from this stone, which sold throughout the world.

In 1805, following discoveries during archaeological excavations in Egypt, the creation of turquoise jewelry multiplied. The fame of this fabulous stone exploded and a neo-Egyptian style spread throughout Europe.

Nowadays, the intensive use of real turquoise has caused the depletion of many deposits. Thus, the prices of turquoise increased. It remains extremely popular with jewelers.

The main deposits are located in South Africa, Tibet, the United States, Peru, etc.

The benefits of turquoise in lithotherapy

Its psychological benefits

Turquoise is a stone that wards off negative energies and harmful influences from those around you. Envious, jealous or mean people no longer reach the wearer of turquoise. This stone promotes positivity and acts on the temperament. It allows you to be more serene, calmer and more confident.

This stone is known to bring confidence and self-esteem. It develops the feeling of friendship. It makes the person less suspicious and more inclined to trust. It engenders feelings of compassion, empathy and care towards others. Thus, it strengthens social relationships, exchanges, friendship and affection.

Turquoise is said to promote creativity, imagination and artistic sense. Furthermore, she easily distinguishes good taste from bad taste, whether in the world of fashion or interior decoration.

At the same time, turquoise is the stone of communication par excellence. It provides beautiful eloquence, structured and informative speeches. Its wearer has beautiful vocal qualities. It is particularly recommended for people whose profession requires mastering the quality of their communication (teachers, speakers, salespeople, singers, etc.). It also facilitates written expression.

Its physical benefits

A stone of protection, it is highly recommended for people who do not get quality sleep. It calms thoughts and promotes sleep. Then, it keeps nightmares away and significantly reduces nighttime awakenings. Sleep is of better quality and the wearer wakes up in great shape.

This stone is known to combat states of intense sadness and stress. It reduces nervous tension.

It encourages its wearer to drink enough water to promote the elimination of toxins.

Turquoise and associated astrological signs

Turquoise is a formidable protective stone. It has many benefits and virtues which act on all natives of the zodiac. However, like many stones, it develops particular affinities with certain astrological signs. This is the case for the following signs:

  • Gemini : symbol of communication, exchanges and curiosity. This sign represents intelligence, writings and commerce. Wearing turquoise multiplies your speaking skills, strengthens your social relationships, your exchanges, your friendships. His company is much appreciated. Indeed, he is always entertaining, masters the art of the anecdote and knows how to be very witty. Often on the move, he cannot stand routine. Naturally curious, he behaves like a student always in search of learning. It is resolutely focused on the future and technological advances. However, despite his carefree and superficial appearance, he hides anxiety and can sometimes be very distressed. It is difficult to pin down him because he hides his emotions. He has great adaptability and is comfortable in any situation. He likes to travel and discover new horizons. In love, he seduces, he charms and passes from flower to flower. He likes to multiply his conquests. Superficial, it moves quickly from one story to another. He is very afraid of losing his freedom and dreads committing to a serious relationship. Over the years, he becomes calmer and seeks a lasting relationship in order to start a family;
  • Libra : symbol of justice, balance and harmony. This sign represents marriage, peace, and elegance. Wearing turquoise develops feelings of friendship, engenders trust, compassion and empathy. This sign dreams of a fairer and more egalitarian world. He is known for his kindness and his listening skills. He cannot tolerate conflict and makes an excellent mediator. He sometimes has difficulty deciding and his indecision can be annoying. Furthermore, he loves being part of social life: he has real gifts for dancing. He likes to be looked at and admired. The views of others are very important to him. He loves order, hates dirt and vulgarity. He has very good taste in clothing. Beneath his gentle and understanding appearance, he hides a lot of strength and determination. In love, this sign is romantic, sentimental, and even a little “blue flower”. A sign of marriage, he hates solitude and quickly wants to start a family. He does everything to make his relationship work. He needs to be flattered and desired. This sign is known for satisfying its partner and giving them a lot of love;
  • Aquarius : symbol of the future, friendship and freedom. This sign represents fraternity, science and new technologies. Wearing turquoise promotes creativity, imagination and artistic sense. This sign dreams of a utopian world with the abolition of hierarchical systems. He can revolt, and even become an anarchist. A sign of the future, his vision of life is very idealistic: differences would be accepted and everyone would be free. He always has many ideas for reforming the world. But he tends to live in his thoughts and ends up marginalizing himself. Freedom is essential to one's happiness, it is a very independent sign. He sometimes appears proud and intolerant. He has excellent intuition and his flair almost never deceives him. Very stubborn, no one can change his mind. Focused on novelty, he is curious and creative. He loves to innovate and create new technological inventions. In love, he is not looking for passionate stories. He prefers to live in romantic friendships. He will choose an independent partner, non-possessive and above all not jealous. He is not for marriage and prefers a civil partnership.

Turquoise and the chakras

Turquoise helps balance the throat chakra . This chakra is located at the level of the throat, vocal cords and bronchi. The balanced, harmonized throat chakra allows the person to express themselves in a harmonious way. His voice is clear and the message is transmitted. The person broadcasts sincere communication: he gives and he receives. She listens and speaks from the heart.

The throat chakra, unbalanced, too open, causes difficulties in communicating. The person lacks self-confidence and has very little self-esteem. She attracts attention by using vulgar language and is very ironic. She is manipulative, aggressive and evil.

The throat chakra, unbalanced and blocked, prevents the person from expressing their emotions. She has a lot of difficulty communicating. His speech is cold, inaudible, and even vulgar. She tends to stammer, appears stressed and nervous.

The maintenance, purification and recharge of turquoise

From its extraction to your home, your turquoise could neither be purified nor recharged with the elements of nature, such as water, sun and earth. Handled many times, it has necessarily been in contact with many energies, both negative and positive. It may even have lost its effectiveness.

As soon as it arrives in your home, it is essential to purify and recharge your turquoise. The following operations must be repeated for maintenance at least once a month.

Immerse your turquoise in a glass filled with spring water for 2 hours. Dry it gently with a soft cloth to remove all impurities. For a lighter purification, opt for fumigation with white sage or using a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your turquoise in the rays of the full moon or place it in an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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