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Stories and legends

Labradorite comes from the Labrador region in Canada. It is a Canadian region where approximately a third of the population comes from indigenous peoples (Innu, Inuit and Métis). This incredible stone was discovered in 1770 by a group of missionaries from Central Europe charged with evangelizing the local population.

The suffix “ite” comes from Greek meaning “mineral”. Labradorite literally means “mineral from Labrador”. It was not until 1780 that the geologist M. Foster named this stone labradorite.

This stone is sometimes nicknamed “rainbow moonstone”. Furthermore, there is spectrolite which is a variety of labradorite, showing all the nuances of the light spectrum. Discovered during World War II in Finland, this mineral is somewhat reminiscent of the inside of mussel shells. Although the colors look similar, labradorite should not be confused with opal or moonstone.

Several legends are associated with labradorite. The most famous is that of the Scandinavian peoples. This legend says that labradorite has its magnificent iridescent reflections thanks to the Northern Lights.

At the same time, that of the Inuit explains that a young warrior broke an immense labradorite with his spear in order to release the celestial light. Shards burst from the stone and rose to the sky, forming the Northern Lights. Others spread across the earth, freezing eternally in the rock, creating these labradorite stones with splendid reflections.

Some natives were convinced that this stone was the link between the terrestrial world and the invisible world. They believed that the rock contained the souls of their ancestors.

However, during archaeological digs in Maine, various objects carved from labradorite were found. They date from the year 1000 and were made by the Algonquin Native Americans.

It is believed that people who are attracted to labradorite are descendants of the sunken continent of Atlantis. For the record, Atlantis was a huge island, attributed to the god of the sea Poseidon during the division of the world. This island suddenly disappeared during a cataclysm caused by Zeus.

According to the ancients, labradorite has powerful healing properties. They say that by crushing it and reducing it to powder, it would cure many ailments. In the second part of the 19th century, many jewelers made fabulous jewelry in various styles from labradorite. They notably make cameos or cuts. Labradorites, of lower quality, are used as facing stone on building facades or as ornamental objects for decoration.

Labradorite belongs to the family of plagioclase feldspars, which includes silicates and tectosilicates. It essentially contains sodium, calcium, iron and magnesium. It diffuses magnificent metallic blue, yellow or green reflections caused by adularescence, a sort of shimmer due to the interference of the different internal layers, also called the Schiller effect. It forms in metamorphic or magmatic rocks. It has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale.

The deposits

The main deposits are found in Madagascar, Algeria, Australia, China, France, etc.

The benefits of labradorite in lithotherapy

Its psychological benefits

Labradorite is a true protective stone with a sponge function. Indeed, it absorbs all surrounding negative energies. Freed from these polluting energies, the mind becomes positive and psychologically balanced.

This stone is recommended for caregivers and people with empathy. It allows them not to get too emotionally involved in their pain and provides them with understanding.

Labradorite fights effectively against anxieties, irrational fears and anxiety. It soothes its wearer and gives them serenity. It exudes a feeling of well-being and calm. The mind can escape into peaceful dreams. Its energy, both radiant and warm, develops feelings of happiness, joy and peace.

This fabulous stone is said to be a stone of opening to others. It is ideal for people suffering from complexes and shyness. It generates a certain assurance and better self-confidence. It encourages compassion, understanding and love for others. She also helps single people feel better.

It is a stone of inspiration which is perfectly suited to creative professions. It stimulates the mind and imagination. The creator can finally concentrate and fix his mind on the present. It effectively fights against procrastination.

Its physical benefits

Labradorite is a stone with powerful regenerative qualities. It strengthens the body.

During intense fatigue, it allows you to regain vitality. It promotes restorative sleep. It soothes the mind when falling asleep and calms the whirlwind of agitated thoughts.

It releases stress and its harmful consequences on the body and mind. It provides well-being and promotes the proper functioning of the heart chakra.

It encourages good circulation of body fluids.

Labradorite and associated astrological signs

Labradorite is an effective protective stone for all natives of the zodiac. It diffuses peace and serenity to its wearers. Sometimes a special bond is formed with certain astrological signs, such as:

  • Cancer: symbol of family, nostalgia and home. This sign represents sensitivity, fertility and origins. Wearing a labradorite will allow him to free himself from his anxieties and anxiety. Often very worried, this sign constantly needs to be reassured. He likes to be with his family where he feels safe. Possessing a creative spirit, he unleashes all his imagination when he feels peaceful. This sign is very altruistic, he likes to take care of others. He is a person full of attention and a great listener. Often suffering from hypersensitivity, he sometimes has moments of melancholy, even depression. He is often afraid of being abandoned, so he knows how to make himself indispensable. He can be aggressive or unpleasant. But in fact, he builds a shell to fight against his shyness. In love, he is romantic and sentimental. He may be emotionally dependent. He always needs reassurance. He is looking for a partner to protect him. He is loyal, but also possessive and jealous. He can develop aggression and become violent if his family is attacked;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of intellect, religion and higher education. This sign represents religion, distant travels and philosophy. Wearing a Labradorite gives you confidence and self-confidence. He is often optimistic and lucky. It is even said that he brings good luck to those around him. This sign has the ability to de-dramatize situations. He is cheerful and his company is much appreciated. He loves traveling which allows him to discover new cultures. He needs to be independent and free. He hates routine and finds a job that leaves him free to move around. He multiplies activities, but he has an unfortunate tendency not to complete them. Joyful, generous and warm, he always has a lot of enthusiasm. He provokes to the point of insolence. He likes to seduce, conquer and charm. He believes in marriage, but aspires to taste the thousand pleasures of love before committing. He can become amoral. He needs a partner who is independent and does not encroach on his freedom. Over the years, he calmed down and started a family. He loves children;

  • Fish: symbol of infinity, esotericism and clairvoyance. This sign represents mystery, intuition and betrayal. Wearing a labradorite develops your sense of listening and understanding others. This sign tends to be very touchy and cannot tolerate criticism. He can be extravagant with an offbeat personality. He is a big dreamer who invents a better world. He is impressionable and can get drawn into all sorts of addictions. He turns out to be a liar, and even a fabrication. With a dual and changing character, he is moody. His attitudes are sometimes incomprehensible. It is difficult to pin down. Very generous, he often has his head in the clouds. He has great difficulty leaving his bed, the best refuge. He can't live far from water. He is an excellent swimmer. He has artistic gifts, especially in music. He flees the world and doesn't like being in crowds. In love, it is both sincere and true or on the contrary fictitious. He likes to discover eroticism and gives in easily. When he becomes mature, he is an excellent partner. He is loyal and believes in family.

Labradorite and the chakras

Labradorite supports the balance of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is the energetic center of communication. It promotes clear and concise expression. This balanced throat chakra encourages speech or other forms of expression. It makes listening and understanding easier. The words used are often fair and clear. The message comes across well and shows sincerity.

The unbalanced throat chakra, too open, causes lack of self-confidence and fear of others. It breeds irony, manipulation and nastiness. He can go as far as aggressiveness.

Blocked throat chakra prevents expression. It causes a lack of creativity and the fear of being misjudged by others. Speech is then incoherent, even crude. It causes nervousness and anxiety.

The maintenance, purification and recharge of labradorite

As soon as it is extracted, labradorite can no longer be purified or recharged using the elements of nature that surround it. Also, upon arrival in your home, you must carry out the following operations. These operations are carried out regularly because of labradorite's ability to absorb emotions. It must therefore be purified and recharged approximately once a week.

Immerse your stone in a transparent glass filled with spring water for 2 hours. Dry it gently using a soft cloth. You can also purify it using the white sage fumigation technique or by placing it in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your labradorite in the rays of the moon (choose a full moon day) overnight. You can also put it on a quartz cluster or on an amethyst geode for 24 hours.

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